The USD epartment of Justicehas decidednot to charge Goldm an Sachsorany of itsem ployees follow ingahigh-profile investigationof the bank’s subprim em ortgage deals,inclu-dingthe infam ous“A bacus”.
Separately,Goldm an SachsannouncedearlyT hursdaythat the Securities andExchangeCom m issionhadendedaninvestigationintoa$1.3billionsubprim em ortgagedeal,takingnoaction. T he m ove w as anabout-face for thecom m ission,w hich notified the bank inFebruarythat it plannedtopursueacivil ac-tion.
Few expected thebank tofacecrim inalcharges,but inA pril 2011,U .S . Senator C arlL evinaskedforacrim inal investigationafterthesubcom m itteeheleads spent m orethanayear lookingintoG oldm an.
盡管幾乎無人希望該行面對刑事訴訟,但是在2011年4月,美國參議院常設調查委員會主席C arl Levin在他領導的委員會花費一年多的仔細調查后,要求對高盛進行刑事調查。(路透社)
2011年4月,參議院常設調查委員會就金融危機發布了一篇嚴厲的報告,點名高盛是金融危機的主要制造者。Carl Levin稱,高盛高管在該公司做空房地產市場的行為上對國會撒謊。上述指控促使司法部展開了偽證調查。
M rL evin and othershad criticised thebank form isleading investorsabout bundledm ortgagedeals,including collateralised debtobligations suchas A bacus and“H udson”.
Levin先生和其他人曾批評高盛在捆綁抵押貸款交易時誤導了投資者,這些交易包括如A ba-cus和H udson等有抵押的債務契約。(金融時報)
Inastatem ent lateT hursday,theJusticeD epartm ent saidthere w as“not aviable basistobringa crim inal prosecution”against G oldm anorits em ployees after aC ongressional com m itteeaskedprosecutors toexam ineif thebankhadbeeninvolvedw ith anyillegal acts relatedtoseveral m ortgagedeals.B utthedepartm entaddedthat if additional or new evidence w ere toem erge,it couldreachadifferent conclusionabout prosecutingG oldm an.
In January,P residentB arack O bam aannouncedanew taskforce toinvestigatem is-conduct that fueledthefinancial crisis,andtheJusticeD epartm ent has saidit has issuedm orethanadozencivil subpoenas andhas m ultipleinquiries underw ay.
。ㄖ芪溆 編譯)