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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      -哂猟l祇-special reports
      2013 NPC & CPPCC Sessions   [ 2013/03/04 ]
      18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China   [ 2012/10/31 ]
      Closing Ceremony of London Olympic Games   [ 2012/08/13 ]
      The 8th Cross- Straits Talks   [ 2012/08/09 ]
      The 8th Cross-Strait Economic Trade and Culture Forum   [ 2012/07/30 ]
      2012 London Olympic Games   [ 2012/07/20 ]
      15th aniversary of HKSAR'return to motherland   [ 2012/06/29 ]
      The 4th Straits Forum   [ 2012/06/15 ]
      2012 NPC & CPPCC Sessions   [ 2012/03/02 ]
      100th Anniversary of 1911 Revolution   [ 2011/10/10 ]
      Celebrating 62nd Anniversary of Founding of PRC   [ 2011/09/30 ]
      2011 Shenzhen Universiade   [ 2011/08/11 ]
      Celebrating 90th Anniversary of Founding of CPC   [ 2011/06/10 ]
      The Sixth Round of Cross-Straits Talks   [ 2010/12/20 ]
      The 3rd Straits Forum   [ 2011/06/10 ]
      嬉邪丹撹惚婢   [ 2011/07/25 ]
      The 7th Cross-Straits Economic, Trade and Culture Forum   [ 2011/05/06 ]
      NPC&CPPCC Annual Sessions 2011   [ 2011/03/02 ]
      16th Asian Games   [ 2010/12/01 ]
      The 6th Cross-Straits Economic, Trade and Culture Forum   [ 2010/07/09 ]
      The Fifth Round of Cross-Straits Talks   [ 2010/06/28 ]
      The 2nd Straits Forum   [ 2010/06/21 ]
      7.1-Magnitude Earthquake hits China's Qinghai   [ 2010/04/14 ]
      The Fourth Round of Cross-Straits Talks   [ 2009/12/21 ]
      15th United Nations Climate Change Conference   [ 2009/12/09 ]
      Expo 2010 Shanghai China   [ 2009/06/17 ]
      Celebrating 60th Anniversary of Founding of PRC   [ 2009/09/01 ]
      The 5th Cross-Straits Economic, Trade and Culture Forum   [ 2009/07/13 ]
      KMT Chairman Visits Mainland   [ 2009/05/26 ]
      Cross-Straits Forum   [ 2009/05/26 ]

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