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      Cost of Travelling in China
         晩豚:2005-12-07 14:34        ン: system        (l│i)坿


      While world travel prices have risen in recent years, China still offers good values in hotel accommodations, meals, and entertainment when compared to other world-class destinations. Air and train transportation within the country are particularly good value.  Consider this: A couple in Beijing or Shanghai can stay in a 5-star hotel, take a full-day tour, enjoy three great meals including a Peking duck banquet; and attend an evening  cultural performance, for about the cost of one deluxe room alone at a comparable hotel in Toronto, LA, Chicago, or New York.

      Most visitors return home raving about the bargain shopping in China - jewellery, silk, carpets, Chinese calligraphy and paintings, jade, and other popular items can be purchased at much lower prices than in North America. Plan to travel light and carry an extra bag for all the great gifts and souvenirs you will undoubtedly want to buy.


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