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      Obama reiterates one-China policy
         晩豚:2009-11-16 13:59        ン: 醴        輳苅Xinhua


      U.S. President Barack Obama gestures as he delivers a speech at a dialogue with Chinese youth at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum during his four-day state visit to China, Nov. 16, 2009.


      U.S. President Barack Obama gestures as he delivers a speech at a dialogue with Chinese youth at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum during his four-day state visit to China, Nov. 16, 2009. (Xinhua/Chen Fei)


      SHANGHAI, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- Visiting United States President Barrack Obama said here on Monday the United States would continue to fully support the one-China policy, and would be very pleased to see the improving cross-strait relationship.


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