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      Why is the "One Country, Two Systems" Policy Feasible?
         晩豚:2003-06-26 09:30        ン: system        輳苅

        Deng Xiaoping proposed the "one country, two systems" policy to achieve the reunification of the country. It is a component of the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and a fundamental policy of the Chinese Government.

      The "one country, two systems" proposal respects history and the prevailing situation. It safeguards the interests of the Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots and takes into consideration Taiwan compatriots' way of life and wish for participating in the running of state affairs. It is realistic and feasible.

      The "one country, two systems" formula was put forward originally for the settlement of the Taiwan question. It has been successfully applied for the settlement of the Hong Kong and Macao questions. After China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and will do the same to Macao, and when their stability and prosperity are maintained with the "one country, two systems" policy, people will have reason to believe that the "one country, two systems" formula can also be used to settle the Taiwan question and reunify China.

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