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      Taiwan kicks off first cargo flight to Chinese mainland
         晩豚:2006-07-20 09:26        ン: system        輳苅


      A Boeing 747-400 from China Airlines, Taiwan's largest air carrier, landed in Pudong International Airport of Shanghai, east China, July 20, 2006. The first direct cargo charter flight from Taiwan touched down in Shanghai early Thursday morning, marking a breakthrough since 1949. [Xinhua Photo]

      Crew walk out of the Boeing 747-400 from China Airlines, which land in Pudong International Airport of Shanghai, east China, July 20, 2006. [Xinhua Photo]

      The first direct cargo charter flight between Taiwan and Chinese mainland took off on Wednesday evening, a breakthrough since 1949.

      A Boeing 747-400 from China Airlines, Taiwan's largest air carrier, left Taipei at around 10:20 p.m. for Shanghai, carrying some 70 tons of chip equipment to the eastern Chinese metropolis.

      The charter flight is expected to arrive at Shanghai Pudong International Airport at about 1:00 a.m. Thursday after a nearly three hours' trip and then make a return flight two hours later.

      Crew members pose for photographs with the Boeing 747-400 from China Airlines, Taiwan's largest air carrier, which lands in Pudong International Airport of Shanghai, east China, July 20, 2006. [Xinhua Photo]

      Zhong Chuntian, captain of the first direct cargo charter flight from Taiwan to mainland China is interviewed by press in Pudong International Airport of Shanghai, east China, July 20, 2006. [Xinhua Photo]

      Mao Aiti, vice captain of the first direct cargo charter flight from Taiwan to mainland China poses for photographs in Pudong International Airport of Shanghai, east China, July 20, 2006. [Xinhua Photo]

      Workers unload goods from the first direct cargo charter flight from Taiwan to mainland China in Pudong International Airport of Shanghai, east China, July 20, 2006. [Xinhua Photo]


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