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      Mainland to ensure continuity of Taiwan policy
         晩豚:2013-05-23 08:52        ン: 醴        輳苅Xinhua

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      <p>BEIJING -- The Chinese mainland will ensure the continuity of its policies towards Taiwan and work to make new achievements in the development of cross-strait relations, top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng said on Wednesday.</p>
      <p>While meeting a visiting delegation of Taiwan's United Daily News Group(UDN), Yu, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said the mainland's policies regarding Taiwan will advance with the times.</p>
      <p>Currently, both sides face unprecedented opportunities in developing cross-strait relations, Yu said.</p>
      <p>On the basis of adhering to the "1992 consensus" and opposition to "Taiwan independence," the two sides should increase mutual trust and steadily improve cross-strait ties in an all-around way, Yu said.</p>
      <p>In November 1992, the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits and Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation reached what is called the "1992 Consensus," an agreement that calls for both sides to adhere to the one-China principle.</p>
      <p>Yu said he hopes the UDN will fulfill its responsibilities, adhere to the cardinal principle of national interest, oppose "Taiwan independence" and work to increase mutual understanding between people across the Taiwan Strait.</p>
      <p>Yu also called on the UDN to contribute to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. </p>

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