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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      China's annual parliament session in world spotlight, says Greek MP
         晩豚: 2011-02-23 09:48         ン: 醴         (l│i)坿 Xinhua


      ATHENS, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Greece is following very closely the economic and political developments in China, as whatever happens in the world's second largest economy concerns the rest of the world, a Greek parliamentarian said.

      Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou, an MP from Greece's main opposition New Democracy party, made the remarks when commenting on the upcoming annual sessions of China's National People's Congress (NPC).

      "I think that any major decision that the National People's Congress makes will have an impact on the whole world, especially regarding issues of environmental protection, of climate change and of course issues of financial development," she told Xinhua in a recent interview.

      Citing the centuries-old strong ties between Greece and China and the close bilateral cooperation in recent years, Avgerinopoulou said the Greeks are following closely and with respect what the Chinese people do.

      "I believe that this common respect was one of the reasons why when Greece entered this major financial crisis, the Chinese government offered support to Greece to overcome the financial crisis," she added.

      She said she looks forward to visiting China for the first time in September when she will attend a global conference in the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian and meet with Chinese lawmakers.

      An expert in international and environmental law and a co-founder of the European Institute of Law, Science and Technology, Avgerinopoulou pays special attention to environmental protection.

      "I look forward to exploring ways to advance environmental cooperation between the two countries and between the EU and China. I think that the whole world is watching what China is going to decide regarding its policies over climate change," said the Greek lawmaker.

      Avgerinopoulou also voiced the hope that the two countries will build closer connections on issues of education and science and technology.

      "Together we could become a very competitive team. We are going to build this team," she said.

      She hoped more Chinese citizens will visit Greece and explore better ways of bilateral cooperation.


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