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      Italian expert finds touring Shanghai Expo a unique experience
         晩豚: 2010-11-03 08:37         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      ROME, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- For Francesca Cusumano, a Rome-based communication expert, visiting the Shanghai Expo was a unique experience, and what impressed her most was the enthusiasm displayed by Chinese visitors during the 6-month event.

      "I will always remember the atmosphere of enthusiasm of the Chinese people, their interest and curiosity in discovering the pavilions of the other countries and passion in seeing the many things exposed," Francesca, who helped set up a modern architecture exhibition in the Italian pavilion at the Shanghai Expo, told Xinhua in an interview on Monday.

      Francesca described the daily, incredible flow of visitors as "coming in waves," saying she will never forget the long rows of people lining up at the entrance of the expo, especially Chinese people.

      She believed the leading theme of the expo, "Better City, Better Life," was majestically represented by all participants. "The public was very much involved in the topic," helping to spread a greater awareness on such important issues as environmental sustainability and urban well-being.

      Visitors gave positive feedbacks to the dynamic and stimulating Shanghai World Expo, as it attracted them with the notion of quality of life, according to Francesca, who described Shanghai as "an incredible, modern city that has left me in awe, full of lights, color and life."

      She said Shanghai has been transformed into "the futurist, new face of China."


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