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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Shanghai Expo highlights dreams and reflections on science and technology
         晩豚: 2010-10-29 15:26         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      SHANGHAI, Oct. 29 (Xinhua) - College student Miao Linzhi visited the Shanghai World Expo site in early August. His target was clear: as a computer science major, he headed directly to the Corporate Pavilions, including the Information and Communication Pavilion, Broad Pavilion and SAIC-GM pavilion.

      He was impressed by the non-electronic air-conditioned "Ye Zi" (Leaf) concept car, the visualization of urban traffic in 2030, and other high-tech exhibits.

      "It' s a great inspiration for me. I never thought about these things before," said the 22-year-old.

      Miao is not the only one to have been inspired by the half-year-long World Expo which started on May 1. Children who visited the Space Home Pavilion left messages saying they wanted to become astronauts when they grew up.

      Ba Jiao, deputy curator of the Space Home Pavilion, said that would be an important part of the legacy of the Expo.

      Ba said the theme of the Space Home Pavilion was all about "dreams and the future" . Even the three-dimensional movie "Wan Hu flying in the sky" , about a farmer' s dream of flying in the sky in ancient China' s Ming dynasty (1368-1644), showed audiences that every dream could come true one day.

      "The abilities of imagination and innovation are significant to a nation," she said.


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