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      Chinese premier thanks Greece, Malta for help in Libya evacuation
         晩豚: 2011-02-28 10:18         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      BEIJING, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- On behalf of the Chinese government and people, Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday sent messages of gratitude to Greek and Maltese governments for their help in evacuating Chinese nationals from Libya.

      In the messages conveyed by Chinese diplomats to his Greek and Maltese counterparts George Papandreou and Lawrence Gonzi, Wen said the Greek and Maltese governments responded promptly to Chinese government's request for help in evacuating its nationals from Libya, receiving the evacuees and providing food and accommodation for them. This is a full display of the two countries' goodwill toward the Chinese people and their lofty spirit to help friends in times of crisis, Wen said.

      More Chinese nationals evacuated from Libya are expected to arrive in Greece and Malta in the coming days and the Chinese government will bring them home as soon as possible, he added. Wen said he hopes that the two governments would continue to help with the evacuation.

      Both Papandreou and Gonzi thanked Wen for the messages and said they fully understand the great importance attached by the Chinese government to evacuation, according to diplomatic sources. They also expressed willingness to continue their support to and cooperation with China in its evacuation efforts.


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