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      35 NOC delegations check in Asian Games Athletes' Village
         晩豚: 2010-11-08 14:29         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      GUANGZHOU, Nov.7 (Xinhua) -- More than 1,000 athletes and officials from 35 countries and regions have checked in at the Athletes' Village for the 16th Asian Games which will kick off here Friday, organizers said on Sunday.

      "By 1:00 a.m on Sunday, a total of 35 NOC delegations have checked in, including Afghanistan, India, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, Uzbekistan and host China," Lin Ying, an official at the welcome center of the Athletes' Village, told Xinhua.

      "The other delegations are expected to move in during the coming days," she added.

      The Atheltes' Village, where up to 15,000 athletes and coaches from 45 countries and regions will reside during the November 12-27 event, has 49 apartment buildings featuring 3,598 apartments and 9,272 rooms, and a 24-hour dining area.

      Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to host the Asian Games. Beijing staged the continent's largest sporting event in 1990.


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