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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Bank of China holds special event in New York for Chinese painter
         晩豚: 2010-07-01 08:39         ン: 弥堝i         輳苅 Xinhua


        NEW YORK, June 30 (Xinhua) -- An influential group of business, cultural and diplomatic leaders gathered Tuesday at the New York headquarters of the Bank of China to celebrate "The Year of the Tiger" with paintings by esteemed Chinese artist Xinle Ma.

        The event was a recognition of the importance of culture in bringing together executives from banking, commerce and industry in an atmosphere conducive to establishing positive new relationships, Li Xiaojing, general manager USA of the Bank of China, said at the reception.

        Li was joined at the reception by the Chinese Cultural Foundation represented by Elizabeth B. Wang, founder and president and John W. Allen, founding trustee.

        "I was fortunate to learn traditional Chinese painting from some of the great masters," ma said. "The one who influenced me most was Master Huang Zhou, one of the most famous painters in modern China."

        The artist said he painted a family of tigers because "I prefer to see the nurturing character of a tiger with its children."

        "Five tigers symbolize happiness and peace," he said. "The tiger is an animal with elements of our own human nature combined with its own wild spirit. In my paintings I like to make my tigers appear friendly and ready to come down to talk, play and live with us."

        Li Baodong, the Chinese ambassador to the United Nations, Peng Keyu,China's consul general in New York, Stephen Orlins, president of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, and Nicholas Platt, the former president of the Asia Society, were among some 200 participants at the reception.

        Elizabeth B. Wang read a letter of congratulations from Mayor Michael Bloomberg that said in part:^Tonight I join you in applauding Xinle Ma and all those associated with the Bank of China and the Chinese Cultural Foundation for uniting our city in this celebration."

        The Bank of China is China's oldest and most important international bank and will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2012. It established its New York banking operations in 1981.

        The Chinese Cultural Foundation was established in 2003 and has been a major sponsor at many business, cultural and educational events around the world.


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