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      Full Text: Work report of NPC Standing Committee
         晩豚: 2010-03-17 12:59         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) -- The following is the full text of the Report on the Work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), which was delivered by Chairman Wu Bangguo of the NPC Standing Committee on March 9, 2010 for review at the Third Session of the 11th NPC and adopted on March 14, 2010:



      Delivered at the Third Session of the Eleventh

      National People's Congress on March 9, 2010

      Wu Bangguo

      Chairman of the Standing Committee

      of the National People's Congress

      Fellow Deputies,

      I have been entrusted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) to present this report on its work for your deliberation and approval.

      Major Work of the Past Year

      The year 2009 was the most difficult year for our country's economic development since the beginning of the new century. Faced with a complex situation and severe challenges, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, united with and led the people of all the country's ethnic groups in fortifying their confidence, meeting difficulties head-on, and winning new victories in socialist economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological development.

      Over the past year, the NPC Standing Committee comprehensively implemented the guiding principles of the Seventeenth National Congress of the CPC and the third and fourth plenary sessions of the Seventeenth CPC Central Committee; took Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as its guide; thoroughly applied the Scientific Outlook on Development; intimately integrated the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country, and the rule of law; carried out its duties in accordance with the law and the guiding principles of the Second Session of the Eleventh NPC, firmly focusing on the overall work of the Party and state; and made new progress in all of its work. In the last year, the NPC deliberated 22 bills and draft decisions on legal issues and passed 14 of them; adopted two resolutions; listened to and deliberated 14 reports by the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate and an investigative report on a special topic and a follow-up inspection report; checked compliance with three laws; handled 518 bills submitted by NPC deputies; approved six treaties and accords China concluded with foreign countries and accession to an international convention; made decisions on and approved the appointment and removal of a number of employees in state organs; and made new contributions to building socialism with Chinese characteristics.


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