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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Senior Russian legislator pledges to further ties with China's NPC
         晩豚: 2009-12-29 08:40         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      MOSCOW, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- The Speaker of Russia's Federation Council (FC) on Monday vowed to continue friendly exchanges with China's National People's Congress (NPC), and to make unremitting efforts to promote the advancement of the Russia-China strategic partnership of cooperation.

      FC Chairman Sergei Mironov said the parliamentary cooperation between Russia and China, which fully demonstrates the high level of the Russia-China strategic cooperative partnership, has achieved satisfactory results along with the rapid development of bilateral relations.

      Meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui, Mironov said he was looking forward to visiting China next year, when he would attend the fourth meeting of the FC-NPC cooperation committee, together with Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee Wu Bangguo.

      Ambassador Li spoke highly of the FC's persistent dedication to developing relations with China under the leadership of Mironov.

      Since China and Russia forged diplomatic ties 60 years ago, particularly since 1996 when the two countries established their strategic cooperative partnership, Li said, China-Russia relations have been developing in a rapid, sound and steady manner.

      The constant exchanges between senior officials, the continuous expanding of all-round cooperation, as well as the national theme years and language theme years observed by both countries, have brought the ties to an unprecedented high level, said Li.

      China highly valued parliamentary cooperation with Russia, regarding it as a key component of bilateral strategic cooperative partnership, said Li.

      After the meeting, the Chinese ambassador also presented the Russian legislator with a medal and credential of the "Outstanding Contribution Award for the 60th Anniversary of China-Russia Relations," on behalf of Chinese President Hu Jintao, who granted the award.


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