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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Scholars' views on cross-Strait forum: A critical time for thinking about growth patterns
         晩豚: 2011-05-09 08:37         ン: 醴         輳苅 SRC-7437


      BEIJING -- 2011 is the year the Chinese Mainland began to implement its 12th Five-Year plan, and it is also the start of what Taiwan hopes will be remembered as a "Golden Decade".

      Scholars attending a cross strait economic forum underway in southwest China argue this is a critical time for both sides to think about their growth patterns. CCTV reporter Xu zhaoqun reports from Chengdu.

      Complimenting the mainland¨s 12th five year plan, Professor Chuang Yih-chyi from Taiwan stresses the mainland's economy will develop well by encouraging domestic demand.

      Chuang also points out the drawbacks of the current mainland economic situation.

      Chuang said, "One of the most important factors to promote domestic demands is to strengthen market integration. If your market is always divided into small patches, and domestic businesses are running without integrated marketing, logistics and brand image, you can never expect a large consumer market. Taiwan has made great achievements in this area. That experience can be used by our mainland counterparts. Taiwan should be a doorway for the mainland¨s process of upgrading its domestic market."

      Professor Deng Lijuan from Xiamen University agrees, but says Taiwan still has room for further domestic market expansion.

      Professor Deng Lijuan said, ^After ten years of sluggishness, Taiwan needs an ambitious plan to encourage its people and its economy. The relaxed cross strait relations in recent years have helped a lot revitalize Taiwan¨s economy. But Taiwan is facing similar problems as we are. It's also important to reduce its export oriented economy by investing more and stimulating the consumers¨ market. Cross strait cooperation, especially the implementation of ECFA, will definitely be very helpful for Taiwan to fulfill its goal set for the 'Golden Decade'."

      The scholars and entrepreneurs from both mainland and Taiwan also discussed other issues related to cross strait cooperation.


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