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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Cross-strait medical cooperation to deepen
         晩豚: 2010-12-21 14:48         ン: 醴         輳苅 SRC-7437


      With the cross-strait medical and health cooperation pact about to be signed, prospects for the sector are bright. It's not only good news for patients, but also an opportunity for business people.

      This Chinese traditional medicine shop in Taipei is more than 100 years old. The boss wants to expand his business. But it's not easy. Material costs continue to rise, and the inspection and quarantine process in both Taiwan and the Mainland also pushes up costs.

      Chen Jianzhong, owner of Chinese Traditional Medicine Shop, said, "My products have been examined in the Mainland, but Taiwan's corresponding departments will examine again. The different standards of the two sides often brings problems."

      The upcoming agreement means improved cooperation in certifying traditional Chinese medicine. And that brings hope to dealers like Chen Jianzhong.

      Yin Taipeng, director-general of Int'l Dev't Society of Chinese Med. & Biotechnology,said, "90 percent of the traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan comes from the Mainland. Taiwan has the advantage of research and development, while the Mainland has sufficient materials and a vast market. Their cooperation will promote Chinese acupuncture and medicine in the world."

      The cooperation agreement also extends to epidemic prevention and medical equipment safety management. But more needs to be done. Neither side recognizes the other's physician certification system.

      Dr. Gao Yuyang of Peking University, said, "I've got a bachelor of medicine degree and doctor license in the Mainland, but these are not accredited in Taiwan."

      Starting next year, members of Taiwan's medical industry can set up solely-invested hospitals in five mainland provincial-level areas, including Shanghai and Fujian. This was arranged under the cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, which took effect in September. The new agreement is expected to take things another step further, providing more benefits to the people.


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