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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Shanghai Expo marks 100th day of running
         晩豚: 2010-08-09 08:55         ン: 醴         輳苅 SRC-174


      SHANGHAI, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- The Shanghai World Expo marked its 100th day Sunday, with the first group of visitors arriving as early as 4 a.m.

      Some, like Ni Dan from eastern Jiangsu Province, even chose to stay overnight in front of the Expo Park entrance to guarantee obtaining tickets to some of the most popular pavilions.

      Ni, 20, and two of his classmates were the first visitors entering the Expo Park Sunday.

      Ni said, "We chose to visit Expo today for three reasons: it's the Expo's 100th day; it's the second anniversary of the Beijing Olympic Games; plus it's the eighth day of the eighth month, which is considered by many an auspicious number."

      Sitting on the ground or on 10-yuan (about 1.5 U.S. dollars) plastic folding stools newly purchased from vendors, people chatted, played cards or meditated to reserve energy for a very long day of waiting, walking, viewing and waiting again.

      Nearly 38 million visitors, about 95 percent of whom are Chinese and nearly 80 percent are non-Shanghainese, have come to the Expo Park since its opening on May 1, and an average of about 450,000 visitors came to the Expo Park per day in August, equal to the population of a mid-level Chinese county, according to the Expo bureau.

      The bureau also said shuttle buses in the Expo park have carried nearly 100 million visitors since the Park's opening, as the buses were out on a run every 14 seconds.


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