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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Taiwanese businessmen on mainland to benefit from historic cross-Strait economic pact: official
         晩豚: 2010-07-08 08:13         ン: 醴         輳苅 SRC-174


      TIANJIN, July 7 (Xinhua) -- Taiwanese who invest in the Chinese mainland would be among those who benefit most from a recently signed landmark economic pact across the Taiwan Strait, a mainland official said Wednesday.

      Wang Yi, director of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and director of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between the mainland and Taiwan presents more opportunities than challenges to Taiwanese businessmen on the mainland.

      He told attendants of the third Tianjin-Taiwan Investment Cooperation Forum held in the northern industrial city of Tianjin that the pact would help Taiwanese businesses cut costs in the flows of materials, personnel and capital, further explore the mainland's markets, and obtain financial and technological support and services.

      He said opportunities are plentiful for Taiwanese businessmen, particularly because the mainland is shifting its economic growth mode.

      Wang added that his office would push for the implementation of the ECFA in a bid to allow businesses to benefit from the pact as soon as possible.

      Wang said the departments under his watch would continue to provide policy support to Taiwanese investors for their companies to grow and expand on the mainland.

      The ECFA, signed by negotiators from both sides of the Strait on June 30, aims to establish a systematic mechanism for enhancing cross-Strait economic cooperation.

      A list of items and services included in the "early harvest program" would benefit first from the pact, as they are targeted for tariff cuts and preferential treatment.


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