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      Chinese Taipei badminton pair aim at golden finish in Asiad
         晩豚: 2010-11-12 10:32         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      GUANGZHOU, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Taipei badminton team hopes to win at least one gold medal in the coming 16th Asian Games, said top women's doubles player Chien Yu Chin here on Thursday.

      Chien and Cheng Wen Hsing, seeded number one in the women's doubles, will have to deal with strong challenges from China, South Korea and Japan if they want to stand on the top of the podium eventually.

      "Though we are the No. 1 seeds, it doesn't mean we can win the gold medal for sure. I still have to work hard," said Chien.

      Cheng thinks being number one seed did not help their cause but a good mentality will.

      "I would leave out the result since I think highly of mental status. A bad mentality might damage the game," she said.

      The pair was pitted in the first half together with Chinese Wang Xiaoli and Yu Yang who were recently paired up in the build-up for the 2012 London Olympic Games.

      Chien decided to make good use of their lack of partnership.

      "They are strong opponents. However, they've only been partners for a short time so I think we have a shot to win against them and get first place," Chien said.

      The women's doubles was not the only medal hopeful for Chinese Taipei as both Chien and Cheng entered for the mixed doubles.

      "If I can't win one of them, I can still count on the other. I'll pay more attention to the women's doubles. But I'll also practice mixed doubles more because recently our performance has been better," said Chien.

      Chien and Lee Sheng Mu stunned the field in the Paris world championships when they dumped Olympic winners Lee Hyojun and Lee Yongdae of South Korea this year but they fell before Chinese pair Yu Yang and He Hanbin in the semifinals.

      "My goal and also my team's goal is to win at least one gold medal," Chien added. "Hope it will come true."


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