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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Taiwan Pavilion at Expo sold for $14.45 mln
         晩豚: 2010-09-16 13:26         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      TAIPEI, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- The Taiwan Pavilion at the on-going Shanghai World Expo was sold for 458.88 million New Taiwan dollars (14.45 million U.S. dollars), the pavilion's operator announced here Thursday.

      The operator, Taipei World Trade Center, said the price was 42 million New Taiwan Dollars higher than the minimum bidding price.

      Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, and Haur Luen Enterprise Co., LTD. in Taichung County of Taiwan made bids for the pavilion on Thursday, and Hsinchu City won.

      The price tag includes the design of the Taiwan Pavilion's day and night view, LED screens and the flying-lantern platform, the globe-shaped theater, logo, and its metal frame, which will be dismantled and shipped back to the island for reassembly.

      The buyer will be permitted to reassemble the pavilion on one of the following islands: Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen or Matsu, the Taipei World Trade Center said.


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