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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      History and culture of ancient China's Tang Dynasty performed in Taipei
         晩豚: 2010-09-15 13:29         ン: 醴         輳苅 Xinhua


      A performance of music and dance showcasing the history and culture of ancient China's Tang Dynasty (618-907) is held in Taipei, southeast China's Taiwan, Sept. 14, 2010. The performance is part of the 2010 Shaanxi cultural week held in Taiwan. Shaanxi, now a province in northwest China, was the heartland of the Tang Dynasty. (Xinhua/He Junchang)

      A performance of music and dance showcasing the history and culture of ancient China's Tang Dynasty (618-907) is held in Taipei, southeast China's Taiwan, Sept. 14, 2010. The performance is part of the 2010 Shaanxi cultural week held in Taiwan. Shaanxi, now a province in northwest China, was the heartland of the Tang Dynasty. (Xinhua/He Junchang)


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