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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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      Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
      Overseas Chinese oppose Taiwan secessionist moves
         晩豚: 2007-11-20 13:44         ン: 布k         (l│i)坿 Xinhua


      WASHINGTON: Overseas Chinese have called for opposition to the Taiwan authorities' secessionist attempts.

      In a declaration made during a two-day conference which ended on Sunday, participants also called on Washington to continue its strategic dialogue with Beijing to contain Taiwan secessionists and support China's peaceful reunification.

      The global conference was sponsored by the National Association for China's Peaceful Unification (NACPU) in Washington DC, and attended by over 300 delegates from 34 organizations in 32 countries.

      The conference was held months before Taiwan elects its new leader and less than a year before the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 - a key year in China's peaceful reunification process, NACPU President Wu Huiqiu told Xinhua.

      "We have shown the world how important China's peaceful reunification is to overseas Chinese," Wu said, adding that the meeting was also a platform for Chinese and US think tanks to exchange views on the Taiwan question, and promote Sino-US relations.

      The delegates slammed the Taiwan authorities' attempt to hold a referendum on Taiwan's membership in the United Nations, warning it threatens cross-Straits relations and stability in the region, Wu said.

      Hua Junxiong, a delegate from New York who has been working in the UN for over 30 years, said that the "referendum" is nothing but a political ploy by Chen Shui-bian to win votes for his party in the 2008 election since it is widely acknowledged that the attempt will be definitely foiled by the UN.

      In a speech at the opening ceremony on Saturday, Chinese Ambassador to the US Zhou Wenzhong expressed his gratitude to overseas Chinese for their persistent support and contribution to China's peaceful reunification and development of cross-Straits relations.

      He reiterated China's general guidelines and policies on the Taiwan question promulgated by the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last month, saying that Beijing would steadfastly observe the one-China principle and promote peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, while firmly opposing any attempt to seek "Taiwan independence".

      Ye Kedong, vice-director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, also told the meeting that his office will safeguard national sovereignty and territory integrity with "necessary means and resolve" if Taiwan secessionists make any effort in any name and form to split Taiwan from China.

      NACPU, founded in 1972 in Washington, is the first of its kind; and was followed by more than 70 similar bodies in the next three decades.

      In a related development, nine Taiwan industry groups in Zhejiang Province issued a statement Monday calling on Taiwan's leaders to abandon the proposed referendum on UN membership.

      "Although we left our homeland to work outside, we are always concerned about Taiwan's future. We feel saddened and worried about the money- and energy-wasting discussion on the referendum," said the statement.

      "Such conduct neglects people's will and is a deviation from facts," it said.

      Zhejiang Province boasts more than 6,000 Taiwan business ventures.


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